Thursday, November 13, 2008

Oh so sweet and bubbly

Will is so special and sweet, especially just after a bath when his little head smells like Ivory soap (which is his fav) and his chubby legs and bubble tush are soft and smooth. I breathe him in and watch his adorable round body wiggle around in a towel while I kiss him silly. today his little legs and arms are precious, how neatly he fits on my lap and curls up into a ball. Today his head lolls around as I kiss his neck and smell his sweetness. Oh how I love him and wish to keep him in my arms and protect him from the world. People who would not admire the beauty of his body, who would not see the miracle of a different body but a perfect soul. To keep him safe from someone who would call him names or hurt his little heart. Some girl who will laugh when he bares his deepest desires. Oh, how I wish to hold him tight and dissappear into his arms and never come out again. Two people joined as one, safe and warm and smelling like Ivory soap.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Hello World!

Will wants to know why the earth is up space. He asks this as I tuck him into bed and my quick answer is, "God put it there" Will sits up in bed, "really, then did he put the planets there too?" I laugh, "yes, hon and the planets" Then he asks if God out the stars, the moon, the sun and clouds up there. "yes, all of it, now go to bed" I shut the door and head downstairs to tell my husband about Will's latest round of questions. together we laugh, but in the back of my mind I think about the day when his questions will be hard to answer, when I won't have a quick answer, and when my answer won't be good enough. That day is coming, speeding towards me every day and often hinted at and danced around. When will my legs get long like Travis'? My guy asks me, noticing that his little brothers legs reach the end of the couch cushion, and his do not. "One day" I tell him, knowing that one day is a long way off. What will I do when he asks me why he is not tall, and why his brother is taller than him, and yet younger? Will he be happy when I tell him that God made him that way? I hope so, because I have no other answer. One day, god will have to be enough.